At DAS International we are aware of the pressures that parents face when trying to secure educational provisions for their children, especially when their children are not 'typical' learners and are experiencing difficulties with acquiring literacy skills.

We have therefore created the Intensive Specialist Teaching Programme, which is aimed at supporting children who are unable to secure a place in an international school or are struggling with an international or mainstream curriculum. The Intensive Specialist Teaching Programme is recommended if your child is struggling to catch up with mainstream education or awaiting entry into mainstream education. This programme is designed to bridge the learning gap.


Exam Preparation and PREP2PSLE  -The necessary study skills such as active listening, note-taking and grammar concepts are needed to give your child a head start in the English exams.
Maths (Primary to Secondary)  - Modular topic-based where parents can choose a block delivery on a Maths topic that they want their child to master.
Curriculum-Based Remediation -  for International and MOE students in supporting homework and curriculum subjects.
     - Reading comprehension, Reading fluency, Spelling and writing
     - School Readiness: Preparation for Primary One
     - Post PSLE Preparation to Secondary School

To see our Specialist Teachers, please click here

Read a case study by our Specialist Teacher on How an Adolescent with Dyslexia uses Meta-Cognitive Strategies to Significantly Increase his reading abilities in a 30-hour Reading Intervention HERE.

2025 ST Intensive Teaching Flyer 02  2023 DAI Maths Intensive Tutoring Flyer 01 01

Watch this video about our overseas student who comes to Singapore for Intensive Teaching and other services by DAS International!